When I was adopted my parents took an oath to raise me with traditional Chinese values.  And they took me to cultural events and tried to stay connected with my adoption group, but the only things Chinese that I remember really liking when I was growing up were Mulan and Chinese carry-out dinners. Around the age of four the girls in my adoption group began Chinese dance lessons.  I remember going to the first day of dance with my dad and it was plain as day that it just wasn’t going to work for me. I was the one who was always sweaty from running around, never quiet, and who wanted nothing to do with fancy outfits or dolls. I preferred to play sports, wrestle with my cousins and play outdoors. While the rest of the group continued with dance, I began to see less and less of them.

It wasn’t until middle school that I found adoptive friends who could relate to how I felt about being adopted. And even better, they played sports. Most of the girls I met while playing basketball and running track were inclusive and kind, but soccer has always been a place where I can truly be myself. I found myself loving it more and more every day.  I've played with most of the same girls since I started club soccer in the third grade, and with them I feel I can be myself, and I don’t have to be the same as everyone else. For once I began to really feel comfortable with who I am.  

Although I’ve seen them at gatherings in the past, it wasn’t until this last year through this project that I began to get reacquainted with my ‘Chinese sisters’. Though we all came from China together, I feel like I’m just getting to know them again. While I used to feel ashamed about being born in China and embarrassed when people would notice my difference, I now feel pride, and realize that being adopted is a special thing that I don’t have to hide. I’ve come to understand how important having our Chinese adoption group is, and that we have special bond that most people aren’t fortunate enough to experience. I have a new found sense of pride in being adopted, and have become interested Chinese culture and history.  I’m currently majoring in Biology at my college and am planning to take an Asian studies class.. Most people who know me would know that this not something I would’ve considered even a year ago.

I believe that being adopted from China has shaped who I am and who I will become, and I’m forever grateful for this. I couldn’t imagine my life without the experiences I’ve had growing up as an Asian American..

